Friday, 25 February 2011


So, Jackie Stallone is playing up in Libya, the people want her out and she's not budging, she's fucking determined to stay, the whole world is watching with excitement to see what happens, while the nutters on the streets are killing people and looting and doing naughty things while the press are literally wanking themselves with excitement that there is some news to report!
OK, so the ex-pats and British tax dodgers are pissed off because the British government hasn't done enough to rescue them from their tax haven in their hour of need, now I hate this fucking government but even I can see why they've dragged their feet rescuing those who don't want to live in Britain, I know that no everyone is a tax dodger, some have legitimate reasons to be there, prostitution and drug rackets, I'd guess.
The French managed to get all their nationals out in record fucking time, but that's the French for you isn't it? they can run away from an argument before there even is an argument.
Did anyone see that American cunt who was rescued by a British ship? he said on camera, "Never did I think I'd be happy to see the Union Jack", really? what a fuck wit, I'd have fucking tossed the Yank cunt off the ship for that statement, fuck sake, I wouldn't have let him on the BRITISH ship in the first place, you're an American, fucking wait for one of your ships to turn up you ungrateful cunt.
So yeah, Lets see what happens in Libya, but if I know anything about Jackie Stallone, its that she wont give up power without a bloody good fight.