Thursday, 26 June 2014


Listen up women, we're onto you. I'm getting bored of the same old shit you women spout about childbirth, how men couldn't handle the pain, how it's the worst pain in the world, blah blah blah. It's clearly not the worst pain in the world, and since men can't experience it, you ham it up to fuck. Women can't experience the pain of being kicked in the bollocks but I can assure you that they would soon change their minds about what pain is. I realise that childbirth is no bank holiday weekend down the pub with your mates, it's got to hurt, I understand that, I really do. Just stop fucking lying about it. I can remember the last time I was kicked in the bollocks and it did fucking hurt! I certainly didn't enjoy it, but I didn't go on about it and scream for hours on end. And I certainly didn't think a couple of years later that it would be nice to have another one. So, listen up. You may be the fairer sex, you may be weaker than the males but pack in your lies about childbirth. It's painful, we get it. But if it was that fucking painful then the human race would have died out years ago.