Wednesday, 28 May 2008

People who pretend to have read Charles Dickens

How many of you have ever lied your face off to someone and said thet you've read Charles Dickens? yeah, bollocks! you lying set of bastards.
Apparently there are more people in this country who have never read Charles Dickens but say that they have than there are actual people who have read Charles Dickens, which is phenomenal it basically means that if you ask two people whether they have read him, at least 50% of those two people are lying to you!
Now I have read Dickens, that's a fact, I'm part of the population that have read his works and I actually like his stuff, I've not read everything he wrote and I have stayed pretty mainstream, but non the less I am a bona fide walking specimen of a man who has read him, we are a dying breed, youths today would rather be 'dick in' each other than readings dickens (see what I did there? huh? did you?) but riddle me this, when you try and catch one of these lying weasels out, it's really rather difficult to ask a question to see if they really are telling the truth, it's difficult because people think that reading nowadays is sitting down in front of a movie screen for two hours, I've even heard people say, 'why bother reading it when there will be a film released about it soon enough' to the person who said that, there is only one answer, 'Fuck Off' to those who profess to have read Dickens then you'll be able to answer this question, "In Great Expectations, what is the connection between, Miss Haversham, Estella, Magwitch and Compeyson?" You see that isn't explained in any of the films, so unless they have read the book, you'll witness a lot of people saying, 'well, I've not read that one actually'.

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