Monday, 30 June 2008

Sting and The Police

The thing about the Police (band) is that Sting is a twat, almost up there in the echelons of twattyness currently occupied by Phil Collins, the other thing about the band the Police is that no fucker knows the name of the other two. well, I can reveal that they are called 'Andy Summers and Stuart Copeland" Who'd have thought it eh? two members of the band with normal names in fact so normal that their whole music career became a normal normality of normalness, they could walk down a normal street with a big freaking sign on their heads that reads, 'we're the two blokes who perform with Sting' and no-one would know who they are, in fact I'm going to get my dad to tell any stranger that he meets in the pub that he is, in fact, one of the blokes from 'the Police' their names have already escaped me!
I don't like 'the Police' because their songs are sickly annoying, like, you hear it once and it's great but once really is enough, there's that one about the prozzie and the one that killed off Biggie Smalls and Puff Daddy whined his way through, and the one where they walk about on the moon and that one that recommends that they move away from them, (presumably because they all stink of fags and vomit and twat), all good songs, you'll agree, but do you really need to listen to them again? and again? and then they have just done a reunion tour and didn't have any new stuff (lazy) and it was supposed to be cool because they hadn't spoken to each other for 80 years and they meet up and do a few gigs, because the two who aren't Sting are a bit skint and the one that is Sting wants people to remember him as a musician and not as JD's dads in Lock Stock and two smoking barrels.

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